That which is sexually alive. The urge, the need. In mutual climax the two halves to the experience combine into one being. That in the sexual arousal that needs to “die”, to be extinguished. The experience of climax, especially the mutual one.
This Symbol occures in 37 poems:
VAR #280, VAR #4, VAR #18, VAR #58, VAR #122, VAR #131, VAR #172, VAR #199, VAR #252, VAR #290, VAR #324, VAR #377, #377, #508, VAR #549, VAR #615, #621, #1274, #343, #351, #385, #483, VAR #508, #553, #565, #603, #612, #615, VAR #621, #653, #677, #777, #786, #793, #982, #1046, #1047
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