Synonyms: eastern
Preanalysis assumption: the four directions : north, south, east, west, continue to bewilder me , just as do the four seasons of the year and the meanings of the months. Concerning all these I have made educated guesses and, I feel, have come close to definition or at least location, several times. I still strive for more precise identifications though. “East” seems to be a variant of “morning”, “sunrise”, “daybreak”, and that makes this group symbolic especially for the advent of the male ejaculation. All these, or at least some, like “morning” show at times a female meaning also, thus orgasmic significance must not be overlooked.
This Symbol occures in 25 poems:
VAR #13, VAR #53, VAR #122, VAR #219, VAR #278, #304, VAR #304, VAR #794, #424, #425, #461, #569, #603, VAR #608, #667, #673, #710, #721, #783, #839, #871, #931, #1032, #1033, #1077
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