Synonyms: eternal, eternally
Preanalysis assumption; In opposition to “time”, the penis phase of intercourse, “eternity” indicates the afterejaculation phase of intercourse that may bring on the female orgasm. Since that phase can bring on frustration as the alternative, “eternity” could possibly have the meaning of frustration also, and would indeed have that with more logic, since to be frustrated means in symbolistic expression not to have “died”; or died without having had the “death”. Likewise “time” should really take off in symbolic meaning from the “mortality” of penis, who “dies” having ejaculation and thus “dies” in every intercourse. He is the “mortal” one. If the frustration meaning is not prevalent, or even absent in the meaning of “eternal” and eternity then a special reason must be found why female orgasm is designed as such. What is the idea from which the symbol is the derivate? For answer we would probably have to look into her metaphysics, and that is difficult, since it seems nowhere clearly expressed. It may lie in this consideration: “nature” is the female principle in nature; it is the spacephenomenon: that which contains all there is, but is in itself static. It needs the agent that stirs things up and makes them live: it needs God/Penis, to fructify it. Thus Penis is “time”, the perishable and resurrectable; vagina on the other hand is the permanent the containing principle, in which things, the things of life take place. All these solemn aspects notwithstanding, we must not be surprised if Emily should occasionally treat these “things eternal” with wit, sarcasm and perhaps even with contempt.
This Symbol occures in 53 poems:
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