Synonyms: faithful
Preanalysis assumption: I believe “faith” is one of the terms whose diverse meanings she studied thoroughly in Webster and derived from it a veritable syndrome of concepts and symbols. It implies above all a trust in "God’s’ justice and equity, in other words: in the male lover’s reciprocity in the act. And also a complete surrender to “God’s” will, meaning the subjugation of vaginal motions during the fondling phase to the guiding will of penis.
This Symbol occures in 33 poems:
VAR #185, VAR #205, VAR #260, #300, #313, VAR #313, VAR #377, #377, #440, #455, #501, #792, #999, VAR #1100, #387, #392, VAR #455, #497, #518, #603, #637, #702, #766, VAR #792, #797, #939, #969, #972, VAR #999, #1007, #1054, #1433, #1723
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