Denoting variants of the most coveted experience in life, also the womanly knowhow to serve these variants. A woman’s renown as being an effective, not to say efficient, lover. A man’s ability to afford the woman mutuality of climax. The lesser compensations of the sexual act, if the chief requirement is withheld. The sexual act per se, especially the heterosexual one. The optimum satisfactions obtainable in the sexual act, also the ability to give them or receive them. All that which is not to be despised or despicable in the sexual act. Possibly applied to the lesbian experience also (fame is fickle food – 1659). The male who proves himself “God’s gift to women”.
This Symbol occures in 17 poems:
VAR #640, VAR #159, VAR #431, VAR #706, #888, #999, #366, #406, #431, #706, #713, #845, #866, #982, VAR #999, #1009, #1183
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