Synonyms: firmness, firmly, firmament
Preanalysis assumption: Perhaps “firmament” should not be considered a symbol, but a term with an extremely easy sexual alignment. It simply denotes erection, the optimum swelling and hardening of the principal genitals, male and female, in the former penis and the glans, in the latter the clitoris, the vaginal tube, and, it seems the inmost vaginal cup during orgasmic contraction.(Emily’s awareness of just where within the vagina erection takes place, may have been faulty, as indeed, it hardly could have been otherwise, according to the findings of the MastersJohnson research into the nervecenters of sensitivity within the vagina.)
This Symbol occures in 20 poems:
#465, VAR #124, VAR #533, VAR #622, VAR #636, VAR #737, #1031, #534, #622, #636, #671, #722, #737, #763, #766, #786, #895, VAR #1031, #1433, #1575
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