Synonyms: forgot, forgotten
Preanalysis assumption: that “forget” has symbol status can hardly be doubted. It belongs into a complex which includes its opposites “remember” and “recollect”. It seems, alas, again one with several secret meanings that I can pinpoint only vaguely.
This Symbol occures in 33 poems:
VAR #8, VAR #26, VAR #33, VAR #58, VAR #70, VAR #193, VAR #231, #538, #908, VAR #908, VAR #1100, #1329, VAR #47, VAR #192, #369, #392, #433, #438, #474, #523, #605, #710, #717, #727, #768, #783, #786, #840, #874, #898, #966, #1396, #1464
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