Synonyms: gained, gains
Preanalysis assumption: “gain”, in its verbal as well as substantive form, belongs into the “victory”, group of symbols. Defeat and loss are opposites to it. Orgasm is the objective to be gained, mutual climax perhaps more than the others.
This Symbol occures in 41 poems:
VAR #18, VAR #148, VAR #160, VAR #172, VAR #321, #359, VAR #380, #384, VAR #405, #405, #501, #572, #580, VAR #723, #843, VAR #359, #380, VAR #384, #390, #424, #452, VAR #501, #522, #550, VAR #572, #574, VAR #580, #637, #655, #761, #779, #798, #807, #837, #880, #944, #968, #1015, #1022, #1071, #1754
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