Synonyms: heared
Preanalysis assumption: the symbol “hear” belongs to the complex of words which deal with the phenomena of sound in nature and the human censorial means to become aware of them, all of which she was obliged to take into the vocabulary of her secret language, if she would not cripple her endeavor to use outer nature as parable for the inner nature of sex. In this she encountered initially a difficulty, since the phenomenon of sound hardly enters the sphere of sexual happenings inside the vagina, or at least only in such a scarcely perceptible intensity, that it would be a pretense for a woman to claim that she actually can “hear” the events unfolding in there. So the solution to her problem had to take the way of logical evolvement of the given possibilities in that direction, inherent in the symbols of feel and touch, which are, actually, the only ones in effect during intercourse. Once she had evolved the symbolism of the “sun” as the bringer of “light” into the sexual sphere, the extension into the opposite sphere of “darkness” had to follow. And since she had evolved a definite symbolic meaning for the verb “to see”(which also is an imagined sensual perception in intravaginal awareness and experience) it needed but a further extension of that symbolism, to evolve one for “to hear” also. We can hear events taking place in the dark before we are near enough or it is light enough for us to see them. And this is the sphere in which the symbolism for the sound phenomena was then developed. She “hears” the semen rise in the penis tube before she can “see” it sputter from the glanslip; and she can “hear” the semen drumming the skin of the contraceptive’s dome before she can “feel” it or “see” it in crumb orgasmic handling. For that the vaginal cup must first rise for the contractive process that is involved. Again, if the main event in heterosexual intercourse, the male ejaculation, is being symbolized through creatures and things that naturally produce sound or are instruments of sound, then symbols of sound can be devised in their respect also. The cockadoodledoo, the birds, the ringing bells in steeples, the thunder in the storm, etc., all can then be legitimately and sensibly woven into the patterns of her similes and parables.
This Symbol occures in 26 poems:
VAR #77, VAR #142, VAR #157, VAR #207, VAR #431, VAR #437, #437, #463, #472, VAR #526, #731, VAR #916, VAR #1224, #431, #454, #461, VAR #463, VAR #472, #483, #526, #663, #668, #733, #793, #842, #1724
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