Synonyms: lights
Preanalysis assumption: "Light“ seems to stand chiefly for the sexual force in nature and human life. Semen is often its exponent, and so is penis/Apollo, the “bringer of light”.
This Symbol occures in 56 poems:
VAR #258, VAR #365, #365, #465, #812, VAR #140, VAR #197, VAR #216, VAR #297, #304, VAR #304, VAR #319, #498, VAR #686, VAR #690, VAR #692, VAR #790, VAR #834, VAR #1063, VAR #1100, #1540, #1581, VAR #47, #369, #419, #473, VAR #498, #583, #593, #605, #611, #631, #638, #692, #728, #754, #790, #820, #834, #839, #854, #862, #883, #906, #939, #940, #949, #958, #1000, #1018, #1039, #1060, #1063, #1086, #1138, #1724
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