Synonyms: smaller, smallest
Preanalysis assumption: the term “small” belongs in the group of diminutives. As far as I have been able to make out so far, they have mostly a female connotion, being opposites to the giant symbols for penis.
This Symbol occures in 57 poems:
VAR #79, VAR #146, VAR #154, VAR #291, VAR #374, #508, #540, VAR #604, VAR #706, #814, #964, VAR #1100, #1304, #1328, #339, #352, #374, #407, #426, #454, #464, #468, #486, #503, VAR #508, VAR #540, #565, #573, #596, #602, #604, #612, #634, #638, #669, #676, #694, #699, #703, #733, #738, #745, #760, #796, VAR #814, #819, #876, #924, #925, #943, #945, #966, #1024, #1086, #1092, #1483, #1575
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