Synonyms: softly, softness, softened
A feeling of tender touch always occasioned by the appearance of semen and signifying male ejaculation and sometimes also mutual climax.
This Symbol occures in 42 poems:
VAR #130, VAR #449, #449, VAR #78, VAR #86, VAR #90, VAR #93, VAR #106, VAR #131, VAR #148, VAR #149, VAR #191, VAR #199, VAR #208, VAR #219, VAR #318, VAR #337, VAR #401, #619, VAR #636, #700, #758, #1330, #337, #401, #457, #461, #505, #584, #586, #605, VAR #619, #636, VAR #700, #940, #941, #942, #959, #1000, #1478, #1723, #1738
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