Synonyms: stiller, stillest, stillness
Passive or exhausted; the first for vagina, the second for penis. The strange disappearance of sexuality for a while, after it has had its fill for once. Collapsed penis not responding to vagina’s orgasmic attempt.
This Symbol occures in 80 poems:
#465, VAR #23, VAR #58, VAR #64, VAR #74, VAR #80, VAR #89, VAR #99, VAR #122, VAR #131, VAR #132, VAR #136, VAR #165, VAR #201, VAR #219, VAR #265, VAR #287, VAR #374, #410, VAR #436, #442, VAR #485, VAR #496, #501, #545, #561, #580, #618, #680, VAR #691, VAR #692, VAR #706, VAR #1008, VAR #1065, #1518, #1520, #1581, #369, #374, #427, #433, #436, VAR #442, #483, #485, #537, #555, VAR #561, VAR #580, #601, VAR #609, #613, #617, #626, #634, #666, VAR #680, #692, #706, #710, #722, #727, #728, #768, #892, #902, #934, #959, #966, #989, #1005, #1008, #1046, #1065, #1097, #1216, #1396, #1397, #1603, #1605
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