Synonyms: tells, told
Preanalysis assumption: “Tell” is obviously a communications symbol. In sexual intercourse the “news” one is most anxious to bring to the awareness of the partner is one’s own arousal and desire, and then its requitement, the ejaculation or the orgasm.
This Symbol occures in 105 poems:
VAR #67, VAR #288, VAR #6, VAR #8, VAR #18, VAR #26, VAR #45, VAR #50, VAR #85, VAR #91, VAR #93, VAR #101, VAR #128, VAR #135, VAR #140, VAR #142, VAR #146, VAR #148, VAR #155, VAR #160, VAR #165, VAR #168, VAR #187, VAR #191, VAR #193, VAR #289, VAR #291, VAR #318, VAR #327, #371, #410, VAR #416, #441, #498, VAR #530, VAR #551, #561, VAR #577, #619, #718, VAR #835, #850, VAR #891, VAR #1065, #1304, VAR #1320, #1320, #1326, VAR #47, #351, VAR #357, #358, VAR #371, #381, #396, #399, #400, #407, #408, #411, #416, #430, #432, VAR #441, #444, #462, #473, VAR #498, #499, #503, VAR #509, #509, VAR #524, #530, #544, #548, #551, #554, VAR #561, #576, #577, #593, #616, VAR #619, #627, #639, #699, VAR #718, #722, #738, #763, #793, #827, #835, #842, VAR #850, #881, #891, #1016, #1039, #1065, #1080, #1088, #1183, #1748
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